Search results for: Companionship, Sydney NSW 2000

152 results - showing 20 per page

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Newcastle Men's Shed

Aim is to focus on the health and wellbeing of men. Projects include woodwork, electronics, computer, and metal work. The group offers on going health education for our...

0434 000 936

99 Beaumont St
Hamilton, NSW, 2303

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 101 km

Men's Shed 2322 - Beresfield

A place for men to meet and participate in community and individual activities and projects while developing new friendships. It's an opportunity to pursue hobbies and...

0459 436 340, 1300 550 009

2 Allendale St
Beresfield, NSW, 2322

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 107 km

Nowra Men's Shed

A place for men to meet where they can socialise and participate in community and personal projects and activities. Men of all ages are welcome. It is a space for men...

0487 185 700

27 West St
Nowra, NSW, 2541

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 109 km

Raymond Terrace Men's Shed

Aim is to focus on the health and wellbeing of men. This is addressed by providing woodworking/ metal working groups, fishing group, music group, cards group, computer...

02 4983 2580

17G Irrawang Street
Raymond Terrace, NSW, 2324

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 114 km

Singleton Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, socialise and participate in group, leisure, and community activities and projects. The focus is on men's health and well being. For men 18...

0448 527 807, 02 5592 7750

37 Combo Ln
Singleton, NSW, 2330

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 121 km

Bay & Basin Activities Hub

The Bay And Basin Activities Hub is available to all residents living in the Jervis Bay local area including but not limited to those living with disabilities and those...

02 4443 7681, 1300 222 748

BCR Communities Head Office, 18 Sanctuary Point Rd
Sanctuary Point, NSW, 2540

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 126 km

Jervis Bay Community and Mens Shed

A place for men and women to meet to establish new friendships while participating in individual and community projects and activities. Activities include fishing,...

0412 347 322, 1300 550 009

12 The Basin Rd
St Georges Basin, NSW, 2540

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 127 km

Sussex Inlet Mens Shed

A place for men to meet and make new friendships, have a chat, and participate in activities, hobbies, and community development. The aim is to improve the health and...

02 4441 0090, 0428 756 835

29 Thomson St
Sussex Inlet, NSW, 2540

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 133 km

Salamander Mens Shed Inc

A place for men to meet and work on individual or community projects and activities while developing new friendships. Tools are available. An opportunity to improve...

0427 993 977

360 Soldiers Point Rd
Salamander Bay, NSW, 2317

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 134 km

Ulladulla Men's Shed Inc.

Ulladulla Men's Shed is a place for men to make new friends, learn skills from each other, be creative, learn about men's health issues, serve the community and maintain...

02 4455 6055

215 Matron Porter Dr
Narrawallee, NSW, 2539

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 150 km

Milton Ulladulla Mens Shed

A place for men to meet in a friendly environment while engaging in useful and productive activities such as woodturning. Activities contribute to individual projects...

0490 125 304, 0491 765 533 (Shed)

188A Camden Street
Ulladulla, NSW, 2539

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 153 km

Bathurst Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, make new friendships, have a chat and participate in activities such as woodworking, and socialsing. The aim is to improve the overall health...

02 6331 7362

140 Havannah St
Bathurst, NSW, 2795

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 157 km

Central Tablelands Woodcraft

A place for men to meet, socialise and support each other in a friendly environment. This group focuses on woodcraft, either learning new skills or improving old ones....

02 6332 6215

Dorman Place
Bathurst, NSW, 2795

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 157 km

Murramarang Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, socialise and join in activities. It provides opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills and improve old ones, and to participate in...

0408 021 049

374 Murramarang Road
Bawley Point, NSW, 2539

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 170 km

Coomba Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, socialise and join in activities. It provides opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills and improve old ones, and to participate in...

0438 741 485

86 Moorooba Road
Coomba Bay, NSW, 2428

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 187 km

Batemans Bay Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, make new friendships, have a chat and participate in activities such as woodworking, metalwork, gardening and socialsing. The aim is to improve...

0479 164 074

2 David St.,
Batehaven, NSW, 2536

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 196 km
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152 Total Results